Mediawiki and Visual Editor on Ubuntu
Mediawiki is a favorite of mine. It is simple to setup and everyone is familiar with the interface. Running a basic setup is reallt simple. However...
Mediawiki is a favorite of mine. It is simple to setup and everyone is familiar with the interface. Running a basic setup is reallt simple. However...
Now for something different. I wanted to setup a Minecraft server so my kids could play with their friends. There are many guides how to do...
Varför inte sätta upp ditt eget övervakningssystem hemma? Delvis för att spara pengar och slippa dyra månadskostnader men kanske framförallt för att det går och faktiskt...
Sometimes you may experience that your outgoing IP has been blacklisted. This will most likely affect several things like visiting webpages, sendingmail etc. The reason for...
When I started to use Check_MK I read a lot of the documentation on the site. It is very good but in some cases it was...
If you have enabled web station in DSM you can install WordPress, Joomla or any similar package. This works great and DSM takes care of setting...
If you are using Nagios, Check MK or OP5 you will most likely want to monitor the status of your mailserver. You can do this by...
If you are using Nagios you most likely have some Windows servers that you monitor. I suppose the servers have some kind of raid setup and...