Family Dashboard – Home Assistant vs Magic Mirror
This is a post of creating a family dashboard for a portrait oriented screen. I have used Magic Mirror 2 for many years and might continue...
This is a post of creating a family dashboard for a portrait oriented screen. I have used Magic Mirror 2 for many years and might continue...
This will most likely be the most unnecessary automation so far. The background is that I bought some stocks for my kids. I wanted them to...
This post will show you how to show any sensor information whatsoever from Home Assistant in your Magic Mirror. I have used: Node Red MQTT (local...
I del ett och två kikade vi på monteringen och hur man konfigurerar växelriktaren. Nu kommer ni nerda ner oss lite mer i detalj på växelriktarens...
This is just an update of my previous post of how to use MMM-Grafana-Chart and MMM-Grafana-gauge in your magic mirror. I wanted to post this as...
Jag har fått så mycket frågor om min Magic Mirror spegel och tänkte att det kanske kunde vara bra med en lite mer generell FAQ. Och...
There have been some different ways in order for your Alexa to control your home. Some are quite complicated and require some coding. Some are very...
För er som använder Home Assistant kan det vara kul att få in spegeln här för att i sin tur kunna styra sin spegel via Alexa....